Command to search for text in files linux
Command to search for text in files linux

command to search for text in files linux
  1. #Command to search for text in files linux zip file
  2. #Command to search for text in files linux code

The & symbols indicate that the echo command will be run to print out the file name with content matching the grep-ed for String if (and only when) the grep command returns a successful status (0).Īll of the above are only executed against files with.

#Command to search for text in files linux code

The provided -q parameter specifies "quiet" mode in which nothing is written to standard output and the grep exits immediately with zero status code upon detecting a match.

#Command to search for text in files linux zip file

gz.We can search in Zip file by using above command. In linux,we zip the files with extension as.

command to search for text in files linux

Normally we search for only one pattern.But with fgrep we can give multiple patterns for searching string. More specifically, %p is a directive to the -printf flag of the find command that directs it to include the found file's name.Įach found file is unzipped and its content directed to standard output where it is piped to a grep command to search for the provided text String. fgrep f filewithpatterns.txt filetosearch.txt. The %p is associated with the Linux find command. The Linux unzip command "list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive." The -cpassed to the unzip command "extract files to stdout" and includes the name of the extracted files with that standard output. I start analyzing the command from the inside and move outward. The two versions of the command shown immediately above will work as-is and the rest of this blog post focuses on how the command works. Printf "Searching JARs for string '$' & echo %p\n" | sh Here is an example script that could be used. I like to have this in script form (or as an alias) because that name is easier to remember than typing in that entire command each time. iname '*.jar' -printf "unzip -c %p | grep -q '' & echo %p\n" | sh Here is that simple line (the token represents the string to search for):

command to search for text in files linux

This search isn't searching for the names of the entries themselves in the JAR, but rather is searching the contents of each searchable file in the JAR. class file within jar (for strings), a single line command in Linux nicely does the job of searching JARs recursively from a given directory for a given String. In this blog post, I look at that example more closely.Īs documented on the  thread searching contents of. I was glad I looked first, because the Linux-based approach provided by "jan61" satisfied my need nicely. The alternative needed to be easy to use, freely available, and not bogged down with a load of dependencies. I recently thought about writing a Groovy script to search JARs for a specific string, but decided to first look for an alternative rather than writing a script.

Command to search for text in files linux